Thursday, February 16, 2012

Laugh a Little Each Day

There is so much more to my sweet boy than Aspergers. Everyday he is a joy and makes me laugh. Some of the funny things Jacob says are his Aspergers coming through and the literal way he interprets language. Others are the sweet innocent things kids say. I started writing down all the cute little things he said years ago. Here are a few of my favorites. Hope they make you smile.
One morning, Jacob is laying in bed between my husband and me snuggling. He starts rubbing my husband's face and my husband tells Jacob, "Those are my whiskers." Jacob is silent for a minute and is processing this new information. Then Jacob says, "Daddy, are you a cat?" (Age 3)

The day before Jacob's Halloween party at school, his teacher told all the students to not tell her their costumes so she would be surprised and that it was a secret. The day of the party Jacob's teacher greets him at the door and says, "Jacob I love your costume! Are you a golfer?" Jacob tells her, "I can't tell you. It's a secret, remember?" (Age 4)

Another lazy morning snuggling in bed when I was big and pregnant, I asked Jacob if he wanted to feel the baby kick. He put his hand on my stomach and said, "Mommy, is the baby playing in there?" To which I said, "kind of." Then he asked "Is she playing baby dolls?" I laughed and said, "No, more like she is swimming." He sits up in bed and says, "You mean there's a lake in there, too!!" (Age 4)

My sister and I were having a garage sale at our house. Just in case there was any confusion, Jacob made signs that read, "Garage NOT for sale!" (Age 5)

It was my husband and my anniversary and I was explaining to Jacob what and anniversary was. He says to me, "But mommy I want to marry you!" I told him I was already married so he would marry someone else once he was old enough. He looks at me and says, "But Mommy, I can't marry a STRANGER!" (Age 5)

We are running errands, and I ask Jacob if he would mind if we stop at one more place. He says, "No Mommy, it may just put me over the edge." (Age 5)

Trying to get information out of my son about school is almost impossible. After the third day of 1st grade, I ask him to tell me something fun he did at school that day. He replies in a not convincing tone, "Everything was fun." Wanting details I push for more and say, "No, tell me ONE thing that was fun." Jacob looks at me seriously and in a concerned way says, "Mommy, do you not know the meaning of the word everything?" (Age 6)

We are all riding in the van, and in front of us is one of those cube cars. My husband says, "Jacob, look at that square car!" To which Jacob replies, "Actually Daddy, that is a rectangular prism." (Age 6)

1 comment:

  1. LOL... Jacob sounds incredible and not dissimilar to my 8yr old Oliver (Aspergers & OCD)- I too write down the wonderful things he says because I truly believe my son should be celebrated for being 'him' - it's lovely to find others are celebrating their special darlings also xxx
