Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Finding Strength

It's funny how conversations come back to you that at the time really held little to no significance. While in college, I vividly remember having a conversation with my high school best friend and then college roommate. We were both elementary education majors at the time, and we were discussing special education. I remember my friend telling me that she thought she would like to teach special education. I on the other hand adamantly said there was no way I would have the patience for it. Our professors were encouraging us all to consider special ed because at the time there was a great need. I refused. I had little to no patience.

Fast forward a few years. College is over and I no longer see my best friend each day. She had started a family and was pregnant with her second child. While pregnant she is in a horrible car accident that almost takes the life of her precious baby. Her little girl is born very early with cerebral palsy.

That was probably 15 years ago. Since then I have admired my best friend's strength to overcome all adversity. I have been envious of her no looking-back positive attitude. Her daughter has had countless hospital stays and surgeries, all which my friend takes in stride. Her daughter is in a wheelchair and has very limited speech. My friend's life has been far from easy, but never ever have I heard her complain, or take a why me approach to life, or why my daughter. Never has there been a pity party. Instead she has looked at each day as a gift from God. So many times I have thought back to that conversation we had so many years ago and thought, " God knew that she could handle this situation. He knew that she was strong and courageous. He knew what he had planned for my friend way before that fateful accident.

It's just recently that I have started to look at that conversation from my perspective. God didn't give me a son with Asperger's to teach me a lesson. God doesn't work that way. He gave me Jacob to show me MY STRENGTHS. I think God said, "Yes, you are patient enough for this beautiful child, and he needs a mama just like you!"

So I leave you with a quote. This is one of my favorites that has hung on the side of my fridge for over 13 years since my husband and I were first married. It has moved with us from apartment, to college married housing, to more apartments, to our first home. So many times I have read this for clarity when I feel that life is too much. When I start to get that "why me God?" feeling. When I forget to look at each day as a gift.

Answer to Prayers

We ask for strength and God gives us
difficulties which make us strong.
We pray for wisdom and God sends us problems,
the solution of which develops wisdom.
We plead for prosperity and God gives us
brain and brawn to work.
We plead for courage and God gives us
dangers to overcome.
We ask for favors and God gives us
This is the answer. 

--Author Unknown

My friend probably does not even remember that conversation we had so many years ago. I've never mentioned it until now. Nor does she know how over the years I have drawn my own strength from watching her's. I haven't ever told her, and I should. She's an incredible person, and I love her dearly.


  1. Your children are so blessed to have you as a mother, as you feel to have them! I look up to your strength to share your feelings in writing (very well, I might add) to help others understand!I wish you all the JOYS that I know you will find, that come with the challenges each day.You are truly an amazing mother and friend! Love and miss you!

    1. Love you, too, Bridget!!! I admire you as a mother greatly!

  2. You are so right, you are an amazing patient mother. Your patience and calmness is something I noticed from our first conversations.

    1. Thank you!! I am assuming we have spoken in real life, but hmmm....not sure who you are. :)

  3. INCREDIBLE. this one was simply outstanding. god gave us these kiddos to show us OUR STRENGTHS. not to teach us a lesson. INSIGHTFUL. you possess a wonderful gift my dear...WISDOM. not to mention you have a marvelous way with words. you are a gifted writer!!! :) truly you are...blessed. :)
