Sunday, June 24, 2012

Sock Therapy

Ah, summer. There are so many wonderful things about summer. Lazy mornings without the hustle and bustle of getting everyone ready to be out the door by 8:00 for school. Late evenings spent chatting outside with neighbors while the kids run wild chasing fireflies.

And no socks.

That's right, you heard correctly. One of the best things about summer is socks are no longer a requirement. I'm not talking about my socks. I'm talking about the end to the everyday sock battle with my son.

Jacob hates socks. Every morning the sock battle begins. "Mommy, can you help me put on my socks?" I've flipped back and forth on this. I go through periods where I help him simply because it is easier for everyone involved. No fight, no time wasted, just over and done. Then I flip to the opposite extreme insisting on Jacob putting on his own socks. What should take a few seconds, takes minutes upon minutes that quickly turns into a roaring battleground all for some warm toes.

For a while we had one particular brand that was ok for him. I stocked up on them and it helped. Jacob was able to get them on his feet with little help and little shifting around. But slowly that stockpile has dwindled to just a few paper thin pairs left. I have tried with only failure to find replacements, but every sock I bring home goes unworn and sits in his drawer.

First there is the problem that my son's fine motor skills are simply lacking. It's a very common characteristic of children with Aspergers. He has a very light grasp and touch, so he really has no idea how much muscle is needed to put on socks. I see his attempts and to someone unfamiliar with my son they would appear half-hearted.

Second, he can not stand the seams in the socks. They must be just so, and if they are not right, Jacob yanks them off and starts all over. I've tried explaining he can just gently tug the seams to where they feel right, but that is still a struggle for him. That is why he prefers me to do it. I am thankful for those mornings when the socks are not a problem and I can get the seams just like he likes them the first time.

Third, he feels socks have to be worn. It's part of the daily routine, and unspoken rule if you will, socks go on your feet. The idea of not wearing socks is foreign to Jacob. A few months ago when warm weather was first approaching and after a lengthy session of trying to get socks on his feet, I suggested just going without. What! That was unheard of! Jacob wanted nothing to do with it, and insisted I put his socks on his feet. I quickly reminded him of last summer and wearing flip flops, and thankfully his long term memory did not fail me.

But even though summer is here, the sock dilema has not ended. See Jacob is a toe walker. His sensory issues with touch affect his feet greatly, and it goes beyond just sock wearing. He pretty much walks on his toes all the time. It isn't quite as noticable when he has shoes on, but without shoes, he is on tip toe constantly. As a result he has calves of steel! His leg muscles are incredibly strong. Just try walking on your toes and see how long you last. I know I can't do it. Since he is a toe walker, flip flops are not a good solution either. They don't stay on his feet properly and tend to make him trip and fall more often. So whether we like it or not, the sock battle lingers through the summer as well.

That is until the other day.

My neighbor and friend knowing Jacob's sensory issues, called inquiring about his sensitivity to socks. Her husband's company ( had recently began selling a line of socks specifically for children with sensory issues. She wanted to know if I wanted to try a pair for Jacob, and without hesitation I said yes.

Is it wrong to say a pair of socks can be life changing?

These socks are incredible! The first night she brought them down Jacob wanted to try them on right away. I was surprised by his enthusiasm as we have been down this road before trying every sock out there. Crew socks, cuff socks, no show socks, expensive socks, cheap socks, athletic socks, you name it, we've tried it with no luck.

But I could tell by taking the socks out of the package these were different. There were no seams or heels, and they were super soft. Jacob anxiously put them on his feet. On they went and on they stayed. There was no fidgeting trying to get the seams just right. No yanking them off and then frustration trying to right them from being inside out. No arguing, yelling, or whining. They were just on his feet, and slowly a smile came across his face.

"I like them," Jacob told me grinning from ear to ear.

I think "like them" is an understatement. He wore them the rest of the day, and later that night after getting his pajamas on, he emerged from his room socks still on his feet. "I want to wear them to bed," he told me referring to his new socks. "Sure," I told him downplaying my enthusiasm for these new socks. I've learned to not get overly excited about anything as then it can make Jacob have a change of heart quickly.

Sure enough when I tucked him in that night, the socks were still on his feet, a first for Jacob as he has never slept with socks on before. And the next morning, there the socks were still in place. He wore them the remainder of the day and I had to practically pry them off his feet that night when it was time for his shower.

As he dried off from his shower, he reached for the socks trying to put them back on again. "Jacob, let's wash them and you can wear them again tomorrow," I told him.

I've since ordered a few more pairs to get us through the summer and plan on ordering more once the school year begins. It's funny how something so simple can make such a difference. I only wish I had known about them sooner as it would have saved me all that money and anguish I have spent trying to find the perfect sock in the past years.

If you would like to order these socks for your own child. Please follow this link They may just change your life as well.

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